Services Provided by the Vaad:
Consultation on Kashruth and of Kosher Products at Local Businesses and Companies
Venues currently supervised and certified by the Vaad:
Jewish Community Center (Kitchen)
JCC Outdoor Café (Dive -n- Diner) Memorial Day - Labor Day
Krispy Kreme at 3000 Bardstown Road.
The location is under supervision. Minute maid products that are in the fridge section are not under supervision.
The Vaad is always looking for more locations to certify so if you know of any please email us.
List of Local Businesses Providing Kosher Catering:
(Must request to have Vaad Supervision when ordering)
Kosher catering for simchas, meetings, events and shiva meals, contact us at and we'll connect you to caterers and kosher kitchen facilties:
The Catering Company - Michaelis Events (Kosher Catering available at off-site venues and must request Vaad Supervision)
Bristol Catering (Kosher Catering available at off-site venues such as JCC, Synagogues, etc. and must request Vaad Supervision)
Hyatt Regency Louisville (Kosher Catering Only)
Other Venues may be approved only upon request for Kosher Supervision